Low? am I, I think yes.
Am feeling quite low today and like most such times, I have no clue as to what’s wrong. Have no work to do in a long time now, I should love this but I am not. May be I am
Had a dream last morning, made me extremely happy while I was asleep and made me scream and sulk after I woke up. Made me wish I could choose what dreams I have or at least what dreams I shouldn't. I thought I had left some good times behind and never cared to revisit them but yesterday the times were brought back to life while all life ought to be asleep. Not
Ah, I hate it when I fail to think clearly. Let me put this down straight: Going down the memory lane makes you happy but when you come back to your present the absence of the
An empty mind, the devil's workshop. I need to do some work, give me some work to do......... :O :O that’s the last thing I ought to be saying. Gosh! something is surely wrong with me