Saturday, June 11, 2005


Low? am I, I think yes.

Am feeling quite low today and like most such times, I have no clue as to what’s wrong. Have no work to do in a long time now, I should love this but I am not. May be I am missing home but that is so almost always so that should not make a difference, missing IIT/friends? Can't be, I never do. Can't comprehend what’s troubling me which is further adding to my irritation.

Had a dream last morning, made me extremely happy while I was asleep and made me scream and sulk after I woke up. Made me wish I could choose what dreams I have or at least what dreams I shouldn't. I thought I had left some good times behind and never cared to revisit them but yesterday the times were brought back to life while all life ought to be asleep. Not that I felt those times and longed for them but the memories did make me happy. What's wrong about sticking to memories that make you happy?!! May be its to avoid the realization of what has been lost that I want to get rid of memories.

Ah, I hate it when I fail to think clearly. Let me put this down straight: Going down the memory lane makes you happy but when you come back to your present the absence of the beautiful past makes you sad. Dilemma... dilemma....

An empty mind, the devil's workshop. I need to do some work, give me some work to do......... :O :O that’s the last thing I ought to be saying. Gosh! something is surely wrong with me :P

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Sitting here in the office located in the industrial estate near Bangkok this is the first time that I find myself lukkha enough to be writing a blog :) Boy I have been working the past three weeks phew!!! About ten hours a day, 6 days a week, and have no cribs so far.
A foreginer here, am pretty much enjoying it. And for once chemical engineering does not suck. Can pretty well understand what Harki meant when he said "try it once before you reject it".
Looking out through the window I can see lots of towers, reactors, chimneys... good lot of trees as well and a clear blue sea :) The view can hardly be described as anything less than breathtaking.
The place surely deserves further description but I also need to write about life after office ;)
The night life is extremely colourful, except for the thai rock that most places here play, puts a limit on the places one can go to. Have even started appreciating the quite melodious 'non-rock' thai music. The dazzlingly lit roads at night seem to energize people who venture out after a days tiring work. Have got some company as well now for night time adventures :D Arti, Gayatri, Jyoti, Dow, Saman, Bunjit, Annan quite a lot of new freinds :)
Hah, good days!! So far so good. Hope I continue to have the terrific time I am having and so does everyone doing PTs :)