Monday, January 09, 2006

Long time

A great lot has happened since I last posted.

The Desert Odyssey - Having made and ditched plans for Laddakh, Nepal and Dehradoon I managed an excursion to the much undiscovered Thar. Accompanied by two friends, two cousins and equipped with tents, sleeping bags and compasses we embarekd upon our adventure.

The course for our tour was Barmer to Bikaner via Jaisalmer. Roughly about 500Kms on the national highway off which we took regular detours making our way through the sand. With the numerous stops, it took us two nights and three days to cover the entire stretch. The Indian Army patrolling the entire highway kept slowing us down. Another land mark on our journey was some random temple right in the middle of nowhere where we spent an evening. The best though was the chilling night, spent in a tent surrounded by nothing but sand. It was thrilling to find the entire landscape changed when we woke up the following morning.

The feeling of leaving footprints on sand that has never been set foot on by any other mortal cannot be done justice to with mere words.

Spent most of december meeting relatives and cousins who've gor married during the last three years. Also met classmates who've got married :) yes my classmates have been getting married while I have been scraping through courses all the time :-|

All in all a great December, a memorable holiday just as I had wanted it to be.
New Year 2006

Wishing everyone a very happy new year! Have a rocking year everyone :)

The sem has started, lots of people have got jobs, awesome jobs all of them. Am looking forward to numerous treats and being surrounded by majorly lukkha fnal yearites in their last sem. Hoping to do well this sem despite all odds, a desparate requirement.

Blogging would be taking a backseat all this while, have written a short story though which I might be posting in a while.

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